In the continuous case, the quantile function is defined as the inverse of the cumulative distribution function (CDF). The asymptotic properties of sample quantiles, including normality, have been established in a variety of settings. In the discrete case, quantiles are not unique, and inference becomes troublesome. A possible way out is offered by mid-quantiles. These are obtained by inverting the mid-CDF, which is closely related to Lancaster’s mid-p-value. Mid-quantiles, which can be seen as a bridge between quantiles of continuous and discrete distributions, provide not only advantages for inference in general but also a sensible interpretation when the distribution is discrete. In this talk, I will introduce regression methods for conditional mid-quantiles (Stat Med Res, 31(5), 2022), along with recent applications to longitudinal data analysis (J Stat Comput Simul, 94(12), 2024) and graphical modelling (arXiv:2309.05084v2).