Department of Physics

Seminar / Workshop

studenti in laboratorio al lavoro con strumentazioni
Photovoltaics: Current Landscape and Future Directions in Solar Energy
, TIME 14:00
Ferrari 1 Building ,Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Room A102
Organizer: Department of Physics
Target audience: University community
Referent: Prof. Francesco Tommasino
Staff of the Department of Physics
studenti in laboratorio al lavoro con strumentazioni
Speaker: Prof.ssa Simona Binetti - University of Milano-Bicocca - Department of Materials Science


In an era marked by an ever-deepening commitment to renewable energy sources, solar energy represents tangible hope for reducing CO2 emissions and addressing the challenges of climate change. However, within this realm of solar technologies lies a rich mosaic of innovations characterized by a multitude of considerations spanning efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental sustainability. Beginning with an exploration of how and why silicon solar cells are the most cost-effective technology for producing sustainable electricity using renewable solar energy, we will proceed to discuss the main aspects of other types of solar cells on the market and in the research and development stage. We will delve into promising emerging inorganic thin-film photovoltaic technologies, such as kesterite Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS), and the pioneering frontiers of photovoltaics with perovskite. Furthermore, we will explore the properties of various absorber materials and PV devices in light of the different and future fields of application of solar technology, such as floating PV, agrivoltaics, and vehicle-integrated PV.