Doctoral Programme in Physics

Special event

Tocco e matita sopra a un foglio con formule matematiche
Proton computed tomography: a novel calibration approach for proton treatment planning
PhD final examination in Physics - 37th cycle
, TIME 14:00
Ferrari 1 Building ,Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Room A203
Target audience: Everyone
Referent: Raffaello Potestio, Coordinator of the Doctoral programme
Staff of the Doctoral Programme in Physics
Tocco e matita sopra a un foglio con formule matematiche

PhD student

Elena Fogazzi


Proton Computed Tomography: a novel calibration approach for proton treatment planning

Scientific coordinator

The supervisor:  Prof. Francesco Tommasino
The co-supervisor:  Dott. Paolo Farace
The head of the Doctoral Programme in Physics: Prof. Raffaello Potestio