PhD in Space Science and Technology - SST

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General/Interdisciplinary Seminars - National PhD in Space Science and Technology
Event organiser: Department of Physics
Contact details: Staff of the Doctoral programme in Space Science and Technology - SST
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Organised by each curriculum and of general content, as such as to be attended by all enrolled PhD students, irrespective of the curriculum they belong to.

For each of the 7 Curricula, the organisation is envisaged:

  • within the three-year period, of one General/Interdisciplinary Seminar
  • for each academic year, of three Content Specific Seminars

Each enrolled PhD student will be required to attend, during the three-year period, all the seven General/Interdisciplinary Seminars offered by the seven Curricula and at least six Content Specific Seminars, to be chosen among those offered by the Curriculum to which he/she belongs.

Further details available on the dedicated webpage of the PhD Programme.
