Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione - DISI


Emanuele Nardi
Dai forma al tuo futuro: crea un CV professionale con LaTeX
26 March 2025, start time 13:30 - 16:30
Ferrari 1 Building, Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Room A110
Free – Registration required
Organizer: Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Target audience: UniTrento students
Registration link: Registration form
Registration deadline:
Emanuele Nardi
Speaker: Emanuele Nardi

Do you want a clear, elegant, and well-structured resume?
In this short course, you will learn how to create a professional CV using LaTeX by customizing a pre-existing template. We will explore the essential tools for formatting text, organizing sections, and achieving a visually appealing result.

The course is open to everyone, including those with no experience in LaTeX, and will provide practical skills to create an effective and well-designed CV.  
Note: The lesson will be conducted on the overleaf.com platform.

This is a pre-event of the ICT Days 2025, designed to prepare you for the interview sessions that will take place on Wednesday, April 9, starting at 12:00 PM.

N.B. Seats in the classroom are limited. Registration is mandatory.

The Teacher

Emanuele Nardi is a computer scientist with a strong passion for photography and typographic composition.  
He has been using LaTeX for 10 years: initially to typeset university notes, later to help students and professionals create high-quality documents. Since 2023, he has been teaching a LaTeX course at the FabLab (DISI).
With his background in photography and programming, and his interest in frontend development, Emanuele is always looking for solutions that combine aesthetics and functionality.