PhD in Mathematics

Seminar / Workshop

edificio Povo 0 con siepe antistante
Clone of Equations of families of Complex Algebraic Surfaces with p_g = q = 2
16 March 2023, time 16:00
PovoZero, Via Sommarive 14, Povo (Trento)
Seminar Room “-1” (Department of Mathematics)
Online – Registration required
Target audience: University community
Referent: Nicola Fraccarolo
Staff of the Doctoral programme in Mathematics
edificio Povo 0 con siepe antistante

“Doc in Progress” is pleased to introduce you to:

  • Massimiliano Alessandro - PhD in Mathematics - University of Genova

In this talk we describe results from a joint work with Fabrizio Catanese, where we provide explicit and global equations for some known families of complex algebraic surfaces with

pg = q = 2

and we also construct a new one.
First, we recall the concept of a complex manifold, starting from Riemann Surfaces.
Then, we focus on the 2-dimensional case (complex surfaces)and we define the numerical invariants pg and q.
Finally, we give our global equations.

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