Department of Mathematics

Seminar / Workshop

generica matematica
Elliptic and parabolic problems with superlinear convection terms
Seminario periodico del Dipartimento di Matematica
, TIME 14:00
PovoZero ,Via Sommarive 14, Povo (Trento)
Aula Seminari 1
Target audience: UniTrento students, University community
Referent: Andrea Marchese, Andrea Pinamonti, Paolo Bonicatto
Staff of the Department of Mathematics
generica matematica
Speaker: Stefano Buccheri (Università di Napoli Federico II)

In this talk, we focus on certain elliptic and parabolic equations featuring a superlinear convection term.

Such a lower order term makes the considered operator not coercive and it may affect the well-posedness of the associate boundary/initial value problems.

We will discuss some conditions that assure existence of relatively well behaved solutions.