Department of Physics

Special event

Atomo su sfondo verde
Industrial Problem Solving with Physics - IPSP 2025
A unique opportunity for sharing and an unmissable growth experience for young researchers and companies
30 June 2025 - 7 July 2025, start time 9:00 - 19:00
Ferrari 1 Building, Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Aula da definirsi
Organizer: Dipartimento di Fisica
Target audience: Students, University community
Registration deadline:
Referent: Luca Tubiana
Staff of the Department of Physics
Staff of the Department of Physics
Atomo su sfondo verde
  • research
  • third mission

IPSP: a unique opportunity for sharing and an unmissable growth experience for young researchers and companies.

Industrial Problem Solving with Physics (IPSP) is a week-long event organized by the Department of Physics, the Doctoral Program in Physics and the Research Enhancement and Impact Division of the University of Trento, in collaboration with Confindustria Trento - Trentino Sviluppo and Hub Innovazione Trentino.

The purpose of the event is to promote the connection between the world of Physics research and the business world.

Young researchers will have the opportunity to test their knowledge and skills, while companies will experience the unique opportunity to collaborate with talented young researchers.

The 2025 edition will take place from June 30 to July 07, 2025, at Polo Ferrari 1, Via Sommarive 9 - Povo, Trento.


Application for young researchers IPSP 2025:


Comapny registration IPSP 2025:

