
Public event / Meeting

Orologio segna un minuto alle 12
Up patriots to arms!
Network of Italian Universities for Peace - RUniPace
14 March 2025, start time 9:00 - 19:00
Sociology Building, Via Verdi 26, Trento
Aula Kessler
Free, Reservation recommended
Organizer: Ufficio UniTrento for Refugees
Target audience: General public, UniTrento students, University community
Registration link: Online registration
Referent: Massimiliano Rinaldi - massimiliano.rinaldi@unitn.it
Orologio segna un minuto alle 12

The event, promoted by the Network of Italian Universities for Peace - RUniPace, aims to stimulate reflection on the role of scientists and academia in the field of arms control, disarmament, and non-proliferation. We will discuss the new arms race, its social, political, and economic impact, and the growing collaboration between the military, industrial, and academic sectors.

The morning session will be dedicated to students, researchers, and scholars and will be conducted in English.

In the afternoon, the meeting will be held in Italian and will be open to the public.

Registration via online form is appreciated.


Massimiliano Rinaldi, Associate Professor Department of Physics, Referent RuniPace per UniTrento, University of Trento

Alessandra Russo, Associate Professor Department of Sociology and Social Research - School of International Studies SIS, University of Trento


Morning Panel 9:00 - 13:00

  • Matthew Evangelista, Cornell University
  • Michele Nicoletti, University of Trento
  • Chiara Bonaiuti, IRES Toscana
  • Giampiero Giacomello, University of Bologna
  • Sondra Faccio, University of Trento
  • Raul Caruso, Università Cattolica Milan

Afternoon Panel 17:00 - 19:00

  • Umberto Tulli, University of Trento
  • Raul Caruso, Università Cattolica Milan
  • Marco De Andreis, USPID
  • Gianni Alioti, The Weapon Watch

Moderator: Alessandra Russo, University of Trento

Contacts for further information:

Scientific Coordinator
Professor Massimiliano Rinaldi, massimiliano.rinaldi@unitn.it 

Organizational contact
UniTrento Office for Refugees, refugees@unitn.it