Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale

Seminario / Workshop
Brown bag seminar
Fertility in Comparative Perspective
Ring-Seminar UniTN-UBIK_UniBZ funded by Euregio
24 Gennaio 2025, ore 14:00
Palazzo di Sociologia, Via Verdi 26, Trento
Meeting room “Poggi” – I Floor
Ingresso libero
Destinatari: Comunità universitaria
Staff del Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale
Brown bag seminar

Fertility has declined markedly in European countries in the last decades, also in the Euregio regions South Tyrol, Trentino, and Tyrol. This poses many challenges for societies, for example shortages in labor supply. With this Ring Seminar 'Fertility in Comparative Perspective', we bring together researchers of the three involved universities, expert scholars from abroad, and students of the three universities to discuss several questions regarding fertility, including the effect of preferences, the role of structural barriers on the individual level (e.g. partners' employment), contextual factors (e.g., work-family policy, GDP), social stratification in fertility, and the influence of grandparental childcare. 

Roberta Rutigliano (University of the Basque Country):

The double advantage of highly educated women in fertility opportunities and outcomes

Tiziana Nazio (Turin):

Time use, family dynamics, and employment - The case of Spain

Introducono e discutono:

Stefani Scherer ed Agnese Vitali