CJM - Centro Europeo d'Eccellenza Jean Monnet

Conferenza / Incontro
Bandiera dell'europa
A More Democratic Community? The Place of Democracy in the History of European Integration
Jean Monnet Module The History of European Integration. European Leadership and the Making of Europe
9 Aprile 2025, ore 17:00 - 19:00
Room 6
Ingresso libero
Organizzato da: Centro d'Eccellenza Jean Monnet e Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia
Destinatari: Tutti/e
Bandiera dell'europa
  • Centro Jean Monnet


Martin Conway, University of Oxford

Sara Lorenzini, Umberto Tulli, Emanuele Massetti, Gabriele D’Ottavio e Carlo Ruzza, University of Trento

Join us for a roundtable discussion as the authors of A More Democratic Community explore the evolving role of democracy in the history of European integration. Drawing from their recently published book, they will examine how democratic principles have shaped – and been reshaped by – key developments in the European project.