PhD in Space Science and Technology - SST

Seminar / Workshop

L'Italia illuminata vista dallo spazio
Multibeam Antennas: Architectures, Trends & Challenges
Specific Seminar - Curriculum 6
23 June 2023, time 15:00
Organizer: National PhD Programme - Space Science and Technology - SST
Target audience: University community
Referent: Prof. Giuseppe Mazzarella
Staff of the Doctoral programme in Space Science and Technology - SST
L'Italia illuminata vista dallo spazio
Speaker: Giovanni Toso and Piero Angeletti - Radio Frequency Payloads and Technology Division, European Space Research and Technology Centre (Estec) of the European Space Agency (ESA)


The objective of this seminar consists in presenting the state of the art and the on-going developments in Multi-Beam Antennas (MBAs). MBAs find application in several fields including communications, remote sensing (e.g. radars, radiometers, etc.), electronic surveillance and defence systems, science (e.g. multibeam radio telescopes), RF navigation systems, etc. Multibeam antennas are assuming a crucial role in emerging MIMO, 5G and 6G communications.
The seminar will cover:
• Multibeam Antennas Main Architectures
▪ Direct Radiating Arrays
▪ Reflector-based architectures
▪ Lens-based architectures
• Current Design and Technological Challenges

Short Bio

Giovanni Toso received the Laurea Degree (cum laude), the Ph.D. and the Post Doctoral Fellowship from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1992, 1995 and 1999. In 1996 he was visiting scientist at the Laboratoire d'Optique Electromagnétique, Marseille (France). In 1999 he was a visiting scientist at the University of California (UCLA) in Los Angeles, he received a scholarship from Alenia Space (Rome, Italy) and he has been appointed researcher in a Radioastronomy Observatory of the Italian National Council of Researches (CNR). Since 2000 he is with the Antenna and Sub-Millimetre Waves Section of the European Space Agency, ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. He has been initiating and contributing to several R&D activities on satellite antennas based on arrays, reflectarrays, lenses and reflectors with particular focus on on-board and ground terminal antennas for Telecom applications. G. Toso has been coauthoring the best paper at the 30th ESA Antenna Workshop and the most innovative paper at the 30th and 36th ESA Antenna Workshops. In 2009 he has been coeditor of the Special Issue on Active Antennas for Satellite Applications in the International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. In 2014 he has been guest editor, together with Dr. R. Mailloux, of the Special Issue on “Innovative Phased array antennas based on non-regular lattices and overlapped subarrays” published in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and, for the same society, has been an Associate Editor (2013-2016). Giovanni has been the chairman of the 39th ESA Antenna Workshop on "Multibeam and Reconfigurable Antennas". Since 2010, together with Dr. P. Angeletti, he has been instructing short courses on Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks during international conferences (IEEE APS, IEEE IMS, IEEE IWCS, EUCAP, EuMW) that have been attended by more than 750 participants.

Piero Angeletti (Senior Member, IEEE) received the Laurea degree in electronics engineering from the University of Ancona, Ancona, Italy, in 1996, and the Ph.D. degree in electromagnetism from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” Rome, Italy, in 2010.,His 25+ years experience in RF Systems engineering and technical management encompasses conceptual/architectural design, trade-offs, detailed design, production, integration and testing of satellite payloads and active antenna systems for commercial/military telecommunications and navigation (spanning all the operating bands and set of applications) as well as for multifunction RADARs and electronic counter measure systems.,Dr. Angeletti is currently as a member of the technical staff of the European Space Research and Technology Center (ESTEC) of the European Space Agency, in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. He is leading the Radio Frequency Payloads and Technology Division of the ESA Directorate of Technology, Engineering and Quality which is responsible for RF payloads and technologies for space and ground applications and associated laboratory facilities. In particular he oversees ESA Research and Development activities related to flexible satellite payloads, RF front-ends and on-board digital processors. He authored/coauthored over 300 technical reports, book chapters, and articles published in peer reviewed professional journals and international conferences’ proceedings; he holds more than 20 international patents on mutlibeam antennas and analog/digital beamforming networks. Together with Dr. G. Toso he is the co-organizer of the EurAP-ESoA course on Active Antennas and instructor of the short courses on Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks during international conferences (which has been attended by more than 1000 participants). He received in 2022 the S. A. Schelkunoff award by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for the best IEEE TAP paper published in 2021.

Online attendance

On-line platform: Microsoft Teams
