Department of Physics

Seminar / Workshop

studenti in laboratorio al lavoro con strumentazioni
Beyond Particle Physics, back to Particle Physics
, TIME 14:00
Ferrari 1 Building ,Via Sommarive 5, Povo (Trento)
Aula A110
Organizer: Department of Physics
Target audience: University community
Referent: Prof. Albino Perego
Staff of the Department of Physics
studenti in laboratorio al lavoro con strumentazioni
Speaker: prof. Caccia Massimo Luigi Maria


Knowledge, technology & skills generated during curiosity driven Research may lead to applications impacting on different domains and on society at large. Beyond satisfying the principle of accountability of Science, exploitation may generate a positive feedback on fundamental investigations, both in terms of cross fertilization of knowledge and economic return, in a positive loop. Throughout the seminar, I will provide a few examples of this process from my own experience. 

Biomedical applications, where both particle and photon detection is at the base of significant diagnostics and therapeutical methods, played a role with the development of real-time dosimeters for brachytherapy, photon trail detection from cellular samples and tools for radio-guided surgery.

Homeland security and development of tools against illicit trafficking of radioactive material was the objective of R&D activities with relevant UK companies, following an EC funded projects.

Cybersecurity is also being addressed and it is currently my main activity. As a consequence of a genuine act of serendipity, while investigating the nature of spurious pulses in SiPM, I invented a device and method for generating streams of random bits, a principle at the base of Random Power, a spin-off company I co-funded in June 2021, today main recipient of an EC grant and an investment by LifTT, a venture capital firm located in Torino (Italy).

In spite of the strong focus on applications, the knowledge gained during these projects is flowing back to basic science, speeding up pioneering activities on monolithic pixel detectors on fully depleted high resistivity substrates (ARCADIA) and calorimetry (HIDRA) for the next generation colliders, within the reach of the next generation of scientists.

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