
Summer School

Immagine stilizzata di due palazzi
NEMESI Summer School
Narration of Explorative Maps and Virtual Experience of Architectural Spaces
30 June 2025 - 11 July 2025
Mesiano Campus, Via Mesiano 77, Trento
Department of Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Mesiano, Trento
Organizer: International Relations Division
Target audience: UniTrento students
Referent: International Relations Division
Immagine stilizzata di due palazzi
  • international
Speaker: Prof. Claudia Sansò and Starlight Vattano


2 weeks, from Monday 30 June to Friday 11 July 2025 with students present in Trento, PLUS a compulsory 2-hour follow-up online workshop on 17 July 2025, in two time slots: either 9:00 AM or 3:00 PM (both CEST).

On Friday 11 July a final exposition of projects will take place the whole day so departure is recommended starting from Saturday morning.

On-Line Information Sessions

Two on-line information sessions are scheduled on 21  March 2025 in two time slots during which students will have the chance to learn more about the Summer School as well as meet the academic coordinators and staff. 

Links for registration:


The NEMESI Summer School is part of the digitalization and enhancement of architectural heritage, both modern and contemporary, within the territory of the Province of Trentino.

The objective is to develop a visual narrative through the graphic analysis of certain Trento case studies, in order to explore the possibilities of images in the promotion and awareness of architectural heritage, through the making of images and videos in digital environments for navigation in both standard and VR/AR/MR modes.

The city of Trento enjoys a diversity of architecture, especially modern and contemporary, and constitutes a metaphorical and physical place from which to create a visual experience of heritage, supported by relations with museums , archives, institutions and companies in the area.

Therefore, NEMESI aims to establish direct contact with the extraordinary iconographic and documentary corpus conserved in the archives of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MART), in Rovereto (15 min. by train from Trento) or the Galleria Civica in Trento, with the aim of integrating research into the case studies to be explored during the two weeks of NEMESI activities.

In addition to the workshop programme for the organisation and elaboration of visual narratives, NEMESI also includes the preparation of an exhibition, which will enable the participants to develop further skills in collaboration with FabLab UniTrento and Level Up Trento, which not only provide access to tools but also support in the design and prototyping processes.

Students will be tasked with:

  • the critical-analytical study of the public buildings of greatest architectural and urban value (modern and contemporary) in the cities of Trento and Rovereto;
  • the construction of a map that graphically describes the travel routes used during the two weeks of NEMESI;
  • the setting up of a final exhibition and the organisation of a study day with the involvement of local authorities, national/international experts, local companies and citizens.

The planned activities will concern:

  • classroom lectures (presentation of the activities; expert guest speakers on NEMESI topics; software used for the activities);
  • photographic surveys;
  • life drawing through the most significant places in the cities;
  • workshop activities for the cataloguing, management and re-elaboration of information (graphic, photographic, video) collected during the surveys;
  • pecha kucha/intermediate group presentations to discuss the work in progress;
  • activities to prepare and set up a final exhibition;
  • dissemination study day, with exhibition, demonstrating the results obtained.

Workload and Credits

All lectures, seminars and activities are in English.

The program includes approximately 7 hours per day of the activities described above, including visits and social-cultural programs. 

All participants will receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the in presence part.

Participation to the online session will earn external participants an official UniTrento transcript certifying 6 ECTS.

Two additional credits and an evaluation mark can be awarded for optional extra work to be arranged with the academic coordinator and submitted by 30 September.

Please, refer to the Syllabus and Assessment Tasks document in the download Box.

Participation in all activities included in the program is mandatory and attendance will be tracked daily.

Participant Background

Admission will be open to a maximum of 25 international senior Bachelor’s degree students (who have finished the 2nd year) and all Master’s degree students from any background related to architecture, engineering, communication, multimedia design, visual arts, or similar, with an interest in architecture and graphics.

The interdisciplinary nature of the project therefore addresses students interested not only in the description of architectural space in images, but also in the use of innovative technologies for the experience of heritage and its cultural promotion.

Participants should be confident in English-language use (B2).

Application Process

The online application tool will be accessible starting from 24 March on this web page.

All students are required to upload their CV, most recent ToR (Transcript of Records), complete identity document, English certificate and a motivation letter.

The Summer School will take place with a minimum number of 10 participants, 80% of which must be international.


Applications by international external students: 30 April 2025.

Up to 2 local UniTrento students can be admitted and can apply starting from 10 May, if places are still available.

Participation Costs

If you are selected and come from a University Partner of UniTrento, you  will receive a fee waiver.

If you come within the Erasmus+ Programme K131 or the ICM K171 Program, you can also apply for a short-term mobility scholarship. Ask your international office for details.

The participation cost includes a social-cultural program consisting of: 

  • a guided visit of the town;
  • a welcome coffee and a farewell lunch;
  • a one-day and a half-day outdoor activity;
  • a guided visit to a museum or other cultural institutions.

At your charge and under your responsibility are:

  • Meals: approximately from 3.10 to 4.90 euros (€) in the university canteen, 15-30 € at a café or restaurant, less if you cook by yourself or with others;
  • Housing: approximately 35 €/day in shared accommodation, hints to find one will be sent to prospective participants;
  • Travel;
  • Transportation expenses once you arrive at UniTrento and the surrounding area unless you get from your host the Trentino Guest Card;
  • Visa and health insurance, if needed (students living outside the European Union).


All participants are responsible for planning and paying for their own lodging in Trento.

Details and possible housing solutions providing the Trentino Guest Card will be sent to applicants.

You are recommended to book in advance since the summer period is quite busy.

Academic Coordinators 

Prof. Claudia Sansò and Starlight Vattano  

Department of Civil Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Trento, in collaboration with Universidad de Valladolid - Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla - Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (Spain), Universidad de Evora, (Portugal), and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg.


International Relations Division 
Tel + 39 0461 283224 - 2980